New World Generation

I developed a new technique to generate landscapes in a more meaningful, less random way. Basically, it works by generating for each region a coarse map where all strees, builidings, rivers, bridges, trees, caves etc. are placed and connected in a logical way. From this simplified representation, a detailed voxel world is generated while the player is walking though it.

I made a video demonstrating the new method:

You can see my character starting in a cave, exiting to a rural area with fields, windmills, and a farm. The windmills are connected to the main road by paths and inbetween you can see wheat fields with fences around them. All this info is stored in the coarse map mentioned above.

Later I’m crossing a river with a bridge, which also is possible thanks to the new method. Then I enter a village area which has a watchtower, walls with iron fences, stone roads, street lights and side streets with several houses.

At the end I enter a cave connected by a path to the main road.


To make the world more lively I put a focus on adding several details, such as butterflies close to flowers, water lilies moving with the water waves, moths swirling around street lights, windmills with turning wheels, smoke coming out of chimneys.

Here are some more screenshots:

What comes next?

One of the next big steps is utilizing the region map to allow NPCs to navigate through the regions, e.g. villagers would be able to go from their house to a far away forest to gather mushrooms, or to go to a lake swimming. My goal is to make the world as lively and immersive as possible.

Also for possible quests the map representation would be useful.

By the way, I usually post more info on Twitter However, this August I’m probably gonna post less because I’m taking care of my son who has holidays.

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